Unity of Mind, Body and Spirit: 3 Powerful Tips to Optimize Your Brain Waves for Higher States of Consciousness
Your brain is the control center of your body. It’s what thinks, feels and processes everything you see, smell, hear, taste and feel. Your brain can also be referred to as your mind because it controls how you think and feel about things. In fact, your brain is so important that many people believe it houses our soul or our spirit.
It is believed that what we think impacts how we feel which impacts our actions and behaviors; therefore, it’s no surprise that our state of mind has a direct impact on all areas of our lives. If you want to optimize your brain activity for higher states of consciousness, then keep reading as we explore three powerful tips to do just that!
Breathe Slowly and Consciously
Breathing is one of the best ways to calm down, relax and reduce stress, anxiety and depression. When you breathe slowly and consciously, it stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for relaxation, digestion and sleep. When you breathe slowly, your body will naturally create a calming effect which will ultimately help you reduce stress and anxiety in the present moment.
When you breathe consciously, it helps you redirect your focus to your breathing which will help you be present in the moment. Breathing is also connected to your state of mind and emotions: Your emotions can change the way you breathe which will ultimately impact your state of mind. When you’re stressed, anxious or depressed, you might notice that you’re breathing from your upper chest or shoulders.
When you’re calm, relaxed and in a state of flow, you’ll notice that you’re breathing from your diaphragm where your stomach is the primary focus point. This is why it’s important to breathe slowly and consciously because it will help you change your state of mind, calm you down and bring you back to a place of ease and flow.
Breathing exercises will help you calm the nervous system and bring your body back to homeostasis.
When you’re practicing breathing exercises, it’s important to become aware of your breathing and breathe from your diaphragm. Your stomach should be the primary focus point for your breath. If you notice that you’re breathing from your chest more than your stomach, then you might want to slow down and try to bring more attention back to your breathing.
If you’re a beginner, I recommend starting off with taking three deep breaths in the morning or evening before going to sleep. You can also practice taking three deep breaths whenever you feel stressed or anxious during the day.
When you take 3 deep slow breaths, it helps redirect your focus back to the present moment which will help reduce stress and anxiety in the present moment as well as improve your state of mind.
Exercise Daily
Exercising daily is one of the best ways to optimize your brain waves because it will help you remain happy, positive and calm in the present moment. When you’re happy, positive and calm, you’re in a state of flow which makes you more productive, creative and inspired to take action in your life.
Exercising regularly will also help you release more endorphins which are responsible for making you happy, relaxed and confident in your own skin. Exercising regularly will also help you produce more serotonin which is responsible for making you happy, relaxed and confident in your own skin.
When your serotonin levels are high, you’ll have more energy, be more productive and have more clarity to take action in your life. Exercising regularly will also help you create new neural pathways in your brain which will ultimately make you more creative, inspired and motivated to take action in your life.
Meditate Continuously
Meditation is one of the most powerful ways to optimize your brain waves because it will help you create more alpha waves which are responsible for creating feelings of calmness, relaxation and peace.
When you meditate, you’re clearing your thoughts and opening up to new ideas, insights and ways of thinking which will ultimately help you be more creative and inspired to take action in your life.
When you meditate, you’re essentially training your brain to focus less on your thoughts and more on your breath. This will help you create more alpha brain waves which will ultimately help you feel more calm, relaxed and at ease in the present moment.
When you meditate, you’re training yourself to be less impulsive, more patient and more open-minded to new ideas, thoughts and ways of thinking which will ultimately help you be more creative, inspired and motivated to take action in your life.
Unity of mind, body and spirit is the path to happiness and fulfillment. In order to achieve this, you must learn to master your thoughts, emotions and actions. This will help you to see things clearly and take the necessary steps to create the life you want.
Special Notes – Meditate Daily
Meditating daily is one of the best ways to optimize your brain waves because it will help you remain happy, positive and calm in the present moment. When you’re happy, positive and calm, you’re in a state of flow which makes you more productive, creative and inspired to take action in your life.
When you meditate regularly, it will help you release more serotonin which is responsible for making you happy, relaxed and confident in your own skin. When your serotonin levels are high, you’ll have more energy, be more productive and have more clarity to take action in your life.
Meditating regularly will also help you produce GABA which is responsible for reducing stress levels and helping your body produce more alpha brain waves. When your GABA levels are high, it will make it easier for you to relax when taking action on things that matter most to improve your happiness.